For instance, if all the objects in a window are showing, you’ll see no thumb on the right side of the window because you have nowhere to scroll to. Also, thumbs are sized proportionally to the number of items in a window. One advantage of choosing the Always option is that you can easily click and drag a scrollbar’s thumb to rapidly scroll through a window. This is the ‘When scrolling’ option that appears above the Always option. Do this, and the scrollbars appear and then fade away once you stop dinking around with the trackpad. If you use a trackpad instead, scrollbars will show only when you place your pointer within a window that should show scrollbars, and manipulate the trackpad. This is the Always item that you see in the list of options. If you enable the first option-’Automatically based on mouse or trackpad’-the scrollbars will always show when you use a mouse with your Mac. And the sometimes is what counts in the ‘Show scroll bars’ setting. Those scrollbars now display gray thumbs-sometimes. Those arrow buttons are gone, as are the blue thumbs, though scrollbars remain. They contained not only blue bars (called thumbs) that you could drag up and down to scroll through a window, but also small arrow buttons that caused the window to scroll in small increments with each click.
Scrollbars: If you’re new to the Mac with Lion or Mountain Lion, you may not be aware that at one time the Mac’s scrollbars were always visible.